Monday, September 25, 2006

What I'm Watching: Monday Night; Creative Whims

Tonight is the second episode of "How I Met Your Mother", the CBS hit that first hit television screens last year. Starring Josh Radnor, Neil Patrick Harris, Alyson Hannigan, Jason Segal and Cobie Smulders, this fresh comedy is about how, well, Ted met his children's mother.

This second episode features a continuation of the shocking season finale: Lily (Hannigan), Marshall's (Segal) long time girlfriend and fiance, broke the engagement and headed across the country to San Fransisco to find herself. Ted (Radnor), on the other hand, finally patched things up with Robin (Smulders)and is having the time of his life in NYC.

In the season premier, we saw a Marshall without Lily: a very desperate man. In the last few seconds of the episode, Marshall is finally back on his feet, but we catch a glimpse of someone who is back in town: Lily.

It should be an intense episode. What did Lily really do over the summer?

Necessities for the episode: Tissues (for potentially rough Marshall/Lily moments) and a pillow (You'll be on the floor laughing, so you might as well be comfortable.)

Also, a slightly off topic topic, but for any Buffy fans out there (and my potential special reader), here's a link to my newest story: The End is the Beginning.

Stay tuned tomorrow for: Law & Order: SVU!


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