Friday, May 05, 2006

Fat Review

There's a lot to say about this one, so sit back and enjoy the show. But I'd lay off the popcorn.

SVU Review
“Fat” 7.21

I’m wearing my Alex Cabot glasses tonight during “Fat”, in the hopes that they will help me catch some hidden treasure in this episode.

So, this is Elliot’s new partner, hm? Detective Lucius (what?) Blaine, Queens Special Victims Unit. He’s harsh, cold, closed, and it seems like he’s scared to open up to the cases. All work and no compassion. Not a good mix for a cop, especially an SVU detective. It is suspicious that they never mention how long this Blaine fellow has been on the job. He’s certainly not like any other SVU detective we have seen before. Or will hopefully ever see again.

He pretty much jumped a bystander, offered immunity to a discriminator, and dethroned Elliot as the bastard of the episode. Big undertaking for an hour. I would not be surprised if he is the kind of detective that never gets personally involved in the cases, and always tries to snap the law to get his way. Huh, does this remind us slightly of anyone we know?

Blaine made Elliot seem like a saint in this episode. Quick and smart thinking on his part to try and save the finger.

Does Elliot know that Olivia wanted a reassignment? I guess not. I’m only halfway surprised that they transferred Olivia and not Elliot, given her connection to the cases and her personal reason for joining SVU. However, maybe that’s exactly the reason they transferred her and not Elliot, because she was too close to the job. It could also be simply because she asked for the transfer and not Elliot. And oh yeah, Mariska is pregnant. They needed to send her somewhere, why not… across the hall?

Blaine really got on my nerves in this episode. What is his place to call Elliot on how he operates? He’s been working with the man for less than 24 hours, and he apparently can’t see his own issues. They’re concerning me more than Elliot’s problems right now. Because then he has the audacity to question Olivia. That is where Elliot, and I think all of us, draw the line. Talk down to someone to the face? Ok, fine. Behind their back? No way. At least Elliot was provoked into the hitting routine this time. It makes it just a tiny bit more explainable.

However, that said, Olivia completely deserved to be walked out on. First, you ask for reassignment without even telling your partner. I know the entire point was to get away from him for a little while, but jeez, common courtesy? Maybe a “Hey, I’m being transferred for a few weeks, catch you on the flip side”? Elliot defended Olivia’s honor in those squad hallways. He’d do it again too, if someone questioned her. I wonder if she ever considered that they have stayed partners for those seven years because their compatible with each other? It’s not often that you find just anyone that you are willing to trust with your life. Cops do it every day, but they don’t trust just any old person, either, the instant that they are placed with them. It takes time to develop trust, and I have a feeling Olivia and Elliot are going to have to start all over again in that department.

It’s Analyze Elliot in the Squadroom Day! Honestly, if you haven’t picked up on the fact that Elliot is unstable or that he has anger issues, you’re way too far gone to be caught up. We don’t need Elliot’s partner, his captain, his former partner, and every other Joe Schmoe to confirm it.

“What, did Dick Cheny shoot someone else?”

The. Best. Quote. Of. The. Entire. Season. No competition anywhere in sight for that one.

Ok, now are all SVU detectives oblivious, or is it just ours? This is the second time a victim (or in the first case, the father of a victim) has shot a suspect in a secure location. It’s not like it was even out on the street. First time it was in a courthouse, second time in the precinct! There are plenty of cops around. Did they honestly think that Rudi was taking it as well as he seemed? Especially after telling him that there wasn’t enough evidence to hold his attacker, there should have been a detective with him to escort him home.

Objection! Babble in the courtroom. Do we need to know every meal he had, when he ate it, what his favorite TV show was when he was eating it? What does that remotely have to do with the case? He shot a suspect (who the DA didn’t even have enough evidence to officially call him a suspect) point blank after hearing that there probably wouldn’t be much of a case. And the defense is trying to fight this, why? Nobody can get a defense like that past Casey Novak. Big thanks go to Casey for finally saying something and shutting up the lawyer. After 20 minutes. I was about ready to punch my TV set in.

“Wonderful. I goaded our little friend until he snapped.”

Repeat after me. “I am only the prosecutor. I’m only the prosecutor.” You can’t save them all Casey, especially when they murder someone in a police station full of cops.

It’s an amazing concept really. The writers get Olivia and Casey in the same room for five seconds. Casey says one thing to Olivia. And there’s still a squee moment.

Did the ending of the episode surprise anyone? Elliot is alone, again. The closing shot with the empty chair was a little cheesy for me. It just doesn’t do it like a badge or a newspaper article reading “No Leads on Slain ADA.” I’m sorry, that was two seasons ago. Or was it?

Casey’s blondness can’t possibly escape anyone’s eyes now. Anyone watching the scene in the squad room when Casey had her back to us, could have easily wondered “Alex?” Honestly, this problem has gone on too long.

And hey, Olivia’s back! From across…the…hall. Hm. Wasn’t “Fault” supposed to be the last episode for Olivia and the chest up camera shots? “A case so big that it will bring her back.” But she hasn’t left. I have a feeling, though, that we’re going to be going heavy on the internet crimes for the next couple of episodes. Problem is, they did the computer crimes thing on purpose. I bet that a large percentage of computer crimes involve something of a sexual nature. She could have her own spinoff: Law and Order: Computer Crimes and still be on the show more than Munch, Fin, Cragen and Casey. I don’t really see how computer crimes are easier for her to handle right now. Maybe it’s a little easier on the mind to handle the perverts that you don’t have to look at?

Over all, a big bust for SVU. So much more could have been done with the episode. And since Olivia’s supposed to be gone, she could have done us a favor and stayed gone. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been an Olivia fan since the beginning. But when you say you’re going to leave, its not polite to come back the next week and say “just kidding.” However, it does raise some interesting questions. Towards the end of that episode, Elliot didn’t seem to be as down in the dumps as he was at the beginning of the episode. Maybe a little break was all he needed.


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